First Lieutenant David N. White, U.S. Army
Co. G, 187th Airborne Infantry Regimental Combat Team
Date of Action: February 15, 1951
The Distinguished Service Cross is awarded to First Lieutenant David N. White, Infantry, United States Army,
for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company G, 187th Airborne Infantry Regiment.On February 15, 1951, in the vicinity of Wonju, Korea. On February 15, 1951, Lieutenant White was leading his platoon in an
attack against a strongly fortified enemy occupying positions on the topographical crest and reverse slope of Hill 342.As the platoon approached the forward slope of the hill, the leading element was halted and the platoon pinned down by accurate, intense machine-gun and small arms fire. After spotting the nearest machine- gun, he crawled over open terrain, exposed to enemy observation and fire, to a point within twenty yards of the gun position and opened fire with his carbine, killing the crew and silencing the weapon.
When a second machine-gun located approximately fifty yards away opened fire on him, wounding him in the chest, he crawled to within fifteen yards of the gun emplacement and, despite his wounds, succeeded in destroying the gun with a phosphorous grenade.
While in the act of destroying this second machine-gun, he was mortally wounded and died at this position.